सनातन धर्म भूमिका

Meaning of "Brahmanda Purana>"


Brahmanda Purana


ब्रह्माण्ड पुराण


brahmāṇḍa purāṇa

In General

The Brahmanda Purana is called so for its dealing with the Cosmic Egg (Brahmanda). It was preached first by Brahma. Brahmanda has many similarities with Vayu Purana and is sometimes called as Vayuviya Brahmanda. Brahmanda purana consists of two sections of which first consist of four parts- Prakriya, Anusanga, Upodgata and Upasamhara. Prakriya consist of 5 chapters, Anusanga conisist of 32 chapters, the Upodghata conist of 74 and Upasamhara consists of 4 chapters. A Detailed description on creation of cosmos, time division, duration of Kalpa and Yuga are given by this Purana. Radha-Krishna and the incarnation of Parasurama are included in this Purana with great detail. The Adyathma Ramayana, the Nasiketopkhyana, the Pinakinimahatmya, the Virajakshetramahatmya and the Kanchimahatmya, are all found in this purana in their original form.

The second section of Brahmanda Purana is entirely different with the first section as far as content and interlocutors are concerned. This part of the Purana is dedicated to the Goddess Lalita and is called Lalitopakhyana. Lalitopakhyana deals with Tantric rites of Sakteya upasanas. One important story in the Purana is about Agastya going to the city Kanchipuram, where Vishnnu as Hayagriva appears to him and answer to his inquiries, imparts him with the means of salvation. A detailed procedure for worshipping of Lalitha Devi is given by this purana.


Contents of Brahmanda Purana


Suta Romaharshana arrive at Nimisharanya. The Legend of Naimisaranya. Evolution of the Universe : The Creation of Hiranyagarbha. Constitution of the world (The Cosmic Egg). Creation of the Universe.


Kalpas and Manvantaras; their Duration. Knowledge About the World. God Brahma's Mental Creation : gods, sages, manes, and human beings created. Progeny of Rudra : Birth of Bhrgu and Others. Magnificence of God Siva : Birth of Nilalohita : His eight Names and Forms. Creation of Sages. Race of Agni. Real Nature ofKala—Time: Seasons as Pitrs. (Manes). Race of Priyavrata. Length and extent of the Earth : Description. of Jambudvipa. Description of Bharata. Varsas of Jambudvipa, Hari and Ilavrta. Jambudvipa; The Bindu Lake— Its four streams. Plaksa and other Continents. Description of the Netherworlds. The Solar System. Movements of heavenly Luminaries : Division of Time. The Divine Luminaries, Varieties of clouds. Divisions of Stratosphere, the Chariot of the Sun-God. Information about Heavenly bodies. The movement of the Polar Star. The arrangement of the Heavenly Luminaries. The Sun, the source of Light to Luminarie s. Origin of the Epithet Nilakantha. Siva swallowing poison. Origin of the Linga-image of Siva. Siva cursed by Daruvana sages. Installation of Siva Linga—Injunctions regarding Ashbath. Meeting of Pururavas and Pitrs. Performance of annual obsequies on the New Moon Day. Cycle of Yugas. Characteristics of Yugas. Inauguration of the Sacrificial Cult. Fall of King Vasu for denunciation of Sacrifices. The four Yugas : Castes and Stages of Life. Yugas and Classes of People. Lineage of Sages. Characteristics of Sages and of Mantras. Vyasa and his Disciples. Legends of Yajnavalkya and Vyasa, Description of Svayambhuva Manvantara. The Lineage of Manu, Manvantaras Milking of the Earth. Caksusa Manvantara : Dynasty of Vaivasvata Manu The Vaivasvata Manvantara: The Marica Creation.


Creation of Sages; Birth of Seven Sages; Progeny of Bhrgu and Angiras. Progeny of Prajapati. Progeny of Daksa. Progeny of Dharma. Three Attibutes of Svayambhu. Evolution of Gods and Sages. Legend of Jaya. Brahma Curses Jaya. Nrsimhha Incarnation. Destruction of Hiranyakasipu. Progeny of Hiranya Kasipu; Birth of Maruts, Sons of Diti. Male Progeny of Danu and Simhika. Progeny of Kasyapa. Enumeration of Different Dynasties. Dynasties of Sages-Atri and Vasistha. Propitiation of Pitrs. Relative Superiority of the People Entitled to Partake of the Feast Offered to the Manes. Birth of a Daughter to Himavat. Birth of Skanda.

Dynasties of Pitrs. Propitiation of Pitrs by Means of Sraddha. Offering Rice-cake to the Manes. Feeding the Brahmins. Establishing fire. In the Context of Sraddha, Five Great Rites (Panca Mahayajnas). Injunctions Regarding Oblations to the Manes and the Fruits Accruing Thereof. Sacred Regions. Description of Hermitages, Mountains, Pilgrimages, Holy Rivers and Streams as Appropriate Places for Sraddha. Preceptor, Meditation, Prayer, Holy Place and their Relative Importance in Respect of Merit. Rites of Purification. Distinguishing Features of the Appropriate and Inappropriate in the Ritual of Sraddha. Eschewing the Sight of the Naked Ascetic During the Performance of Sraddha. Test of a Brahmin for Presiding over the Rite of Sraddha. Praise of Gift Offered During Sraddha. Superiority of the Gift of Food in the Context of Sraddha. Appropriate Day for Performing Sraddha. Evaluation of Merit Accruing from Sraddha in Each of the Twenty-seven Naksatras. Test of a Brahmin for Deserving the Sraddha gift. Merit of Performing Sraddha at Holy Centres, such as Gaya. Hellish Punishment Accruing from the Non-observance of Sraddha. Seven Groups of Pitrs. Rites of their Propitiation.

Dialogue between Aurva and Jamadagnya Parasurama. Performance of Penance by Parasurama on the Himalayas for the Gratification of Siva. Test of Parasurama by Siva. Dialogue between Parasurama and Siva in the Guise of a Hunter. Siva is Gratified. He Imparts the Knowledge of Secret Weapons to Parasurama for Slaying the Demons. Parasurama Kills a Tiger in the Himalayan Cave and Protects a Brahmin Boy. Karttavirya of Haihaya Dynasty comes to the Hermitage of Jamadagni and Beholds the Wish-yielding Cow. Haihaya Receives the Hospitality of Jamadagni and Reposes for the Night at the Hermitage. Haihaya is Ready for Departure, at Daybreak But He is Instigated by Candra-gupta, his Minister, to Seize the Wish-yielding Cow (Kamadhcnu) of the Sage. A Quarrel Ensues between Jamadagni and Candragupta Whereupon Haihaya Kills Jamadagni. Kamadheni Disappears in the Firmament. Lamentations of Renuka at the Sight of her Dead Husband. Return of Parasurama from the Forest; his Rage at the Sight of his Dead Father and his Vow to Slay Ksatriyas all over the Earth. Visit of Sage Bhrgu to the Hermitage and his Revival of Jamadagni to Life by Means of Samji-vani Appliance. Parasurama Approaches Brahma and Discusses Strategy for Killing Haihaya. At Brahma's Suggestion He Goes to Lord Siva's Abode. Parasurama Propitiates Siva and Receives the Secret of 'Perfect Missile' by his Favour. Formula Effective of World-conquest. Episode of an Antelope and his Beloved Consort. A Hymn in Praise of Lord Krsna.

Parasurama Goes to the Hermitage of Agastya for Hearing the Hymn in Praise of Lord Krsna. Parasurama Hears the Hymn in Praise of Lord Krsna from Agastya. The Narrative of Bhargava (Parasurama). Bhargava Kills Karttavirya. The Narrative of Bhargava. The Episode of Sagara in the Bhargava Narrative. Bhargava Narrative. Narrative of Vasistha in Sagara Episode. Sagara's Vow. Conquest of World by Sagara. Sagara Comes to the Hermitage of Aurva Story of Asamanjas in Sagara Episode. Release of the Sacrificial Horse. Destruction of Sagara. Amsumat Ascends the Throne. Descent of the Ganges from the Himalayas. Varuna Visits Bhargava. Dialogue between Bhargava and Varuna. Birth of Vaivasvata Manu. Progeny of Vaivasvata Manu. A dissertation on Music. 63-64. Iksvaku and Nimi Dynasties. 65. Legend of Soma and Budha Relating to their Birth.. Amavasu and Dhanvantari Dynasties. Narrative of King Yayati. Birth of Karttavlrya. Jyamagha and Vrsni Dynasties. Praise of the Lord. Glory of Lord Visnu. Royal Dynasties.


Dissolution of the Universe. Siva's Abode. Dissolution of the Universe. Re-creation of the Universe.


Agastya's visit to Holy Places; Manifestation of Visnu. Dialogue between Hayagriva and Agastya. Characteristics of Violence. Theft and Drinking. Dialogue between Hayagriva and Agastya. Churning of Nectar. Manifestation of Mohini; Slaying of the Demon Alaka. Asura Bhanda. Manifestation of the Goddess Lalita. A Hyrnn in Praise of the Goddess. Manifestation of Kamesvara-Siva, the Subduer of Kama. Festivities in Honour of the Marriage of Lalita with Kamesvara. Lalita's Expedition for Conquest. March of the Army. March of the army. Lalita in the Battlefield. Boasting of Asura Bhanda. Slaying of Asura Kurantha. Slaying of Five Asura Commanders. Slaying of Further Asura Commanders. Flight of Visanga. Slaying of the Son of the Asura Bhanda. Valiant Performance of Gananatha. Slaying of the Asura Viiukra Visariga. Slaying of the Asura Bhanda. Resurrection of Kama. Manifestation of the Seven-chambered Daughter of Matanga. Manifestation of the Guardian Deity of the Seven-chambered Srinagara and Tripura. Seven Interior Chambers of Pearls. Abode of Siva and those of the Guardians of Quarters. Gifts of Wild Flowers and Fruits to Propitiate the Goddess Mahapadma. Cintamahi Chamber and the Presiding Deity of that Chamber. Royal Esoteric Formula and the Art of its Appliance. Glory and the Greatness of the Goddess Kamaksi. Propitiation of the Goddess Kamaksi. Art of Intertwining Fingers in Religious Worship. Initiation in the Cult of the Goddess. Meditation on the Goddess. Shri Lalita Sahasra Naama Stotra. Phalasthuthi.

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