सनातन धर्म भूमिका

Meaning of "Dharmaputra"







In General

Dharmaputra was the eldest of the Pandavas. He was also called as Yudhistir. As the eldest of the five sons of Pandu, he was the crown prince. He proved himself as a perfect king and ruled the kingdom to progress and prosperity. Dharmaputra was taught warfare by Dronacharya and he got great proficiency in chariot-fighting. He killed Shaliya during the Great War. After the Great War he ruled the country for nearly four decade in the most efficient and ideal way. His country became most prosperous and successful country in Bharta for a very long period. The legacy he left has created the great literary work of all times, the epic Mahabharata.

Yudhisthira got a son Prativindhya of Pancali. A son called Yaudheya was also born to him in his wife Devika, daughter of King Shibya.

Genealogy. From Visnu were descended in the following order Brahma-Atri-Candra-Budha - Pururavas - Ayus - Nahusa - Yayati - Puru - Janamejaya - Pracinva- Pravira - Namasyu - Vltabhaya - Sundu - Bahuvidha - Samyati - Rahovadi - Raudrasva - Matinara - Santurodha- Dusyanta – Bharata – Suhotra - Suhota – Gala - Gardda – Suketu –Brhatksetra - Hasti - Ajamidha - Rksa – Samvarana - Kuru- Jahnu –Suratha - Viduratha – Sarvabhauma – Jayatsena – Ravyaya – Bhavuka - Cakroddhata - Devatithi - Rksa – Bhima – Pratipa – SantanuVichitravirya - Dharmaputra.


Pandu did not have any children in his wedlock because of a curse. Kunti, the first wife of Pandu, had obtained from Durvasas a potent mantra; upon reciting the mantra, the god of her choice would manifest himself before her and bless her with a son. When Kunti told this secret to Pandu he agreed and Kunti reciting the mantra meditated on Dharmadeva and and got pregnant from him. The boy was born at midday on the eighth Jyestha day of the year on Pancami and at the auspicious hour, Abhijit. At the time of his birth there was a celestial voice which said "This boy will become a very righteous and bold King, best among the virtuous. He will be known as Yudhisthira". Obeying the dictate of the mysterious voice he was named Yudhisthira.

When he had five sons Pandu went to the forest of Satasrnga together with his family to spend the spring time there. The sages residing in that forest conducted the religious initiation of the children. Kasyapa, priest of Vasudeva, performed the Upanayana ceremony To the children. Rajarsi Suka imparted instructions to Dharmaputra on spear-warfare. Pandu died during their stay there. Madri abandoned her life by jumping into her husband's funeral pyre. Before doing so, she called Dharmaputra to her side and joining her hands together said "Son, you are now the father to your brothers." When Pandu and Madri were dead the sages of the forest took Kunti and the children to Hastinapura and entrusted them to the care of Bhishma detailing to him all that had happened in the forest.

Dhrtarastra, crowned Dharmaputra as the Yuvaraja when the latter had successfully completed his course of study in warfare from Dronacharya. By his good conduct, righteousness and administrative efficiency Dharmaputra excelled his father and became very popular among his subjects. Jealous of this Duryodhana decided to destroy the Pandavas somehow. With the permission of his father, Duryodhana constructed a palace at Varanavata for the Pandavas to reside there. The palace was built of wax and other flammable material by the spies of Duryodhana. After some days the spies of Duryodhana set fire to the palace. But the Pandavas escaped through a tunnel from the house which had been constructed by the orders of Vidura without the knowledge of Duryodhana.

After the svayarhvara of Pancali, Dharmaputra narrated to Drupada the story of their escape from the palace. As it was known to the world that Pandavas are living with good health, Dritharashtra invited the Pandavas to Hastinapuri. Pandavas returned to their country with their mother and Pancali and Dharmaputra was crowned as the king of half of the Kuru country. He started his rule successfully and built a palace at Khandavaprastha.

Envious of the prosperity with Pandavas, Duryodhana sent Vidura to bring Dharmaputra to Hastinapura and defeated him foully in a game of dice. Dharmaputra lost everything to Duryodhana. The striping of Panchali in the court and subsequent terrible happenings upset Dhrtarastra and he gave back everything to Dharmaputra.

Before Dharmaputra went back to his place, with the permission of Dhrtarastra, Duryodhana called him back again for another game of dice. Despite protests from all sides Dharmaputra went again for a game of dice with Duryodhana and lost again all he possessed. Then according to the condition set in the game he left the country with his brothers and wife to spend twelve years in exile in the forests and another year incognito.

Dharmadeva testing Yudhisthira: The Pandavas travelling through the forests reached a lonely place and all of them felt thirsty. Yudhisthira asked Nakula to go and fetch water. Nakula went but did not return for a long time and Sahadeva was asked to go and enquire. Sahadeva also did not return and Arjuna was sent in search of them. When Arjuna did not return Bhimasena went to enquire. Bhimasena also did not return and finally Yudhisthira himself set out in search of them. On reaching the pond Yudhisthira was dumbfounded to see his brothers lying dead on the banks of the pond. Weeping bitterly Yudhisthira entered the pond and to his surprise he heard a voice from the air addressed to him thus: "Ho, Yudhisthira, I will ask you certain questions. If you answer them correctly you can drink from this pond. If not, you will also die just like your brothers”.

Dharmaputra said he is ready to answer and the Yaksha who warned him started asking question.

Yaksa: What is the soul of Man? Who is the companion given by God? What is Upajivana?

Dharmaputra: The soul of Man is his son. The companion given by God is wife. Cloud is Upajivana.

Yaksa: How do you become rich? How do you become happy ?

Dharmaputra: If you abandon lust you will be rich. If you abandon desire you will be happy.

YYaksha asked a hundred such question and Dharmaputra answered all of them correctly.

The Yaksa was highly pleased with the replies given by Dharmaputra. He then offered to revive one of his brothers and asked Dharmaputra to name whom he should do so. Then Yudhisthira named Nakula. Yaksa then enquired why he had named Nakula leaving aside Arjuna and Bhima. Dharmaputra replied that though Kunti and Madri were two wives of Pandu they were both mothers to them and so he wanted to see one of the sons of Madri alive. He therefore pressed the name of Nakula again. The Yaksa who was none other than Dharmadeva was immensely happy to hear that reply and gave life to all his brothers.

He tried his best to avoid the Great War, sent emissaries to Duryodhana. When the Mahabharata War was over Yudhistira was told by his mother Kunti that his bitter foe Karna is in fact his eldest brother; Yudhistira nearly lost his control and cursed entire womanhoods and decided to renounce life for sanyasa. But Sage Vyasa and Sri Krishna did not allowed him to do so by advising him the spiritual purpose of life.

He visited Bhishma lying on his bed of arrows accompanied by Sri Krishna and his brothers. Bhishma revealed to him the inner import of Rajadharma, Apaddharma and Moksadharma. Receiving the blessings of Bhishma Yudhisthira and his brothers returned to Hastinapura.

The end of Dharmaputra’s life was also a test for dharma. After anointing Parikshith as the King and making all other key appointment in the key post in the administration, he along with brothers and wife Panchali left for Mahaprasthana (climp Himalaya till the end of life as a yajna). One after another four brothers and wife fell on the way and at last he was received at the door of heaven by Indra which he refused for the sake of a dog which was denied access to swarga that had accompanied him all the way. It was again a test by Dharmadeva, his biological father on his sense of justice.

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