सनातन धर्म भूमिका

Meaning of "Sahadeva"







In General

Sahadeva is the youngest of the Pandavas. He was born to Madri, the wives of Pandu. Sahadeva was an expert in Neetisastra, medicine and material science. He killed Shakuni, the uncle of Duryodhana in war. He learned archery and warfare from Dronacharya along with his brothers and for higher learning in Netisastra he approached Brihaspati.

During the Rajasuya Yajna conducted by Dharmaputra in the Indraprastha palace he offered the first honors to Krishna. This made Sisupala and few other kings angry.

Another sahadeva was son of Jarasandha. Sri Krishna installed this Sahadeva as the king of Madhurapuri after the death of Jarasandha on a fierce fight with Bhima. He was one of the seven Maharathins of the Pandava army during the Bharata War.

Genealogy. From Visnu were descended in the following order Brahma-Atri-Candra-Budha - Pururavas - Ayus - Nahusa - Yayati - Puru - Janamejaya - Pracinva- Pravira - Namasyu - Vltabhaya - Sundu - Bahuvidha - Samyati - Rahovadi - Raudrasva - Matinara - Santurodha- Dusyanta – Bharata – Suhotra - Suhota – Gala - Gardda – Suketu –Brhatksetra - Hasti - Ajamidha - Rksa – Samvarana - Kuru- Jahnu –Suratha - Viduratha – Sarvabhauma – Jayatsena – Ravyaya – Bhavuka - Cakroddhata - Devatithi - Rksa – Bhima – Pratipa – SantanuVichitraviryaPandu - Sahadeva.


Pandu did not have any children in his wedded life because of the curse that he should not meet ladies in sexual passion. But the couples were desirous of having children. So the husband Pandu agreed to chant the potent mantra his wife Kunti learned from Rishi Durvasa and invite Gods to have children. Accordingly Kunti had three children and she taught this mantra to Madri and Madri in her turn invited the twin Aswini Devatas and thus Nakula and Sahadeva was born to her.

A son called Srutasena (Srutakarman) was born to him of Pancali. He had also married ijaya,the daughter of King Dyutiman of Madra and the couple had a son called Suhotra.

He went to king Virata disguised as Vaisya called Aristanemi and got himself appointed as head of the king's dairy. He, in the guise of a dairy-man, used to give milk, butter-milk etc. to the Pandavas.

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