सनातन धर्म भूमिका

Meaning of "wife"




In General


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Word Sanskrit IAST In General Veda Purana
Bhadra, wife of Sri krishna One of the eight wives of Sri Krishna. She was the daughter of Dhrishtaketu in his wife Srutakirti.... Read More
Kalindi , wife of Sri Krishnaकालिन्दीkālindīWhile Krishna and Arjuna was spending some lesure time on the bank of River Kalindi, the later saw... Read More
Laksmana, wife of Krishna

One of the eight wives of Sri Krishna. She was also called as Charuhasine, the one with...

Laksmana, daughter of King of Madra chose Krishna at her Svayarhvara and she became Krishna's wife....Read More
Renuka , wife of JamadagniरेणुकreṇukaRenuka was the foster daughter of the King Prasenajit. She was married to Sage Jamadagni and was... Jamadagni is a Vedic rishi The chastity power of Renuka was strong that she can fetch water in the instantly made earthen pot....Read More
Rohini , wife of VasudevaरोहिणीrohiṇīRohini was the first wife of Vasudeva and mother of Balarama. She also had an important part along... Read More
Srutakirti , wife of Satrughnaश्रुतकीर्तिśrutakīrtiWord meaning is one whose fame is very much heard about. Srutakirti is the wife of Satrughna,... Srutakirti is daughter of Janaka and wife of Satrugna. The couple had two sons called Angada and...Read More
Sudeva, wife of IksvakuसुदेवsudevaWife ikshvaku, the first king of Suryavamsa Read More