Adyatma Ramayana
अध्यात्म रामायण
adhyātma rāmāyaṇa
A version of Ramayana found in Brahmanda Purana which gives high emphasis on bhakti is called Adyatma Ramayana. The work might have written in the mideval period where Bhakti became the prevalent mode of worship and embedded in the Pruana (Bd.P. ,Ch#61 onwards). Adyatma Ramayana contains 7 Kandas with 3653 verses.
The work attracted many poets different languages; a work by same name (Adyatma Ramayanam Kilipattu) by Ezhuthachan in Malayalam is a popular text among masses. During the month of karkidaka (heavy monsoon time in Kerala) every Malayali Hindu sing the text once. Tulasidas had his work Ramacharithamanasa inspired by Adyatma Ramayana though he depended on both Adyatma Ramayana and Valmiki Ramayana. Bengali, Oriya also got a version of Adyatma Ramayana. All these different texts in vernacular languages are independent works but they have the common feature of Vaishnava tradition and Advaita philosophy. Mapping all the good qualities of Rama to the nirguna nature of the Brahman, the Adyatma Ramayana portray Rama equivalent to Brahman, the metaphysical reality.
A brief synopsis of Adhyatma Ramayana is as follows:
Balakanda - This chapter begins with the description of Rama as an avatar of Vishnu, who descended to earth as a human being to remove Rakshasas (demons) such as Ravana. It includes Rama’s childhood and the story of Ahilya's deliverance by Rama.
Ayodhya Kanda - Life in Ayodhya, including Rama's exile, the death of his father Dasarath, etc.
Aranya Kanda - The forest (Aranya) chapter, which includes the kidnapping of Sita by Ravana.
Kishkindha Kanda - the episode of Kishkindha. This chapter describes the killing of Bali, and the initiation of the active search for Sita.
Sundar Kanda - details Hanuman's arrival and activities in Lanka.
Lanka kanda - corresponding to the Yuddha Kanda of the Valmiki Ramayana. It contains details of the battles between Rama's armies and Ravana, the killing of Ravana, and the coronation of Rama upon his return to Ayodhya from Lanka.
Uttar Kand - It includes the banishment of Sita, the birth of Lava and Kusha. Rama’s departure from the earth to Vaikuntha, the abode of Lord Vishnu. The fifth adhyaya (sub-chapter) of the Uttar Kanda describes a conversation between Lord Rama and his brother Lakshmana, often referred to as the Rama Gita (the song of Rama).
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Kilipattu , Adyatma Ramayana | The Malayalam version of Ramayana by Thunchethu Ramanuja Acharya (popularly known as Ehuthachan)... | Read More |