सनातन धर्म भूमिका

Meaning of "Tulasidas"





In General

(1532-1623 CE) Taulasidas is the most popular greatest poet in Hindi (Awadhi) during the medieval period. He was born in Rajpur (chitrakoot) on the bank of River Yamuna. His parents are Atmaram Dubey and Hulsi. His guru was Naraharidasa, a Vaishava sage of Ramananda sampradaya. Ramacharita Manasa, the hindi version of Ramayana is his most famous contribution.

Tulasidas was the most prominent promoter of bhakti cult during the troubled time of Muslim invasion and atrocities in North India. Hindu religious practices like Vedic yajna and temple worship were resisted and jasiya is imposed on the Hindu masses during this age. The left over religious practice is bhakt and so the sages like Tulasidasa kept alive the Hindu religious fervor among the masses by their poetry.

Since the Vedic education lost its patrons the priest class (teachers) become prejudiced about their knowledge and not imparted them to poor and deprived at free of cost. So the social discrimination become large and the gap between various classes of people widened. Bhakti sages like Tulasidasa bridged this gap and advocated for social equality.

He spend most of his time in Varanasi and constructed the famous hanuman temple, the sankatamochan temple. Apart from Ramacharitha manasa he also wrote several other hymns including the popular Hanuman chalisa. Mahanataka or Hanuman Nataka is a drama version of Ramayana by him. His other works are: Kavitavali, Dohavalli, Vinayapatrika, Gitavalli, Krishnavalli, Ratna Ramayana.

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