सनातन धर्म भूमिका

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Obstacles in the path of Yoga


A Sadaka may experience numerous obstacles while practicing Yoga; laziness, restlessness, confusion, a disease with body and the like are few examples. The main reason for being lazy can be because of bulky physique or one's inability to concentrate his mind. Lack of concentration also results in restlessness. One should be always contented; if a person is doubtful about the results of his yogic practice, he may get confused. Disease is another major inability and thus an obstacle. The ethical principles under Yama and Niyama are the first and foremost steps to overcome these obstacles. Yama is a social discipline under which come ahimsa(not to harm any species or other persons feeling), sathya(truthfulness), brahmacarya(sexual restraint), astheya(not to accept anything that one do not deserve), Aparigraha(avoiding non essential things). Niyama is meant by individual discipline and which include the rules of sauchya(cleanliness of thought, mind and body), santhosa(Contentment and acceptance of the external situation we are allotted in this life), tapa(Austerity), svadyaya (study of scripture and introspection), isvara pranidhana(humility and surrender to God). It is followed by other components of Astanga yoga(asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, samadhi) and each step is important. A proper body, mind and balanced personality is the primary requisite for practicing of Yoga.

A man who has successfully overcome the primary obstacles might experience further obstacles in the form of Siddhi (divine powers). There is a real danger of getting lured by these divine powers. As a result, the sadaka’s mind may get distracted from his original goal and he may deviate from his goal of Realization. The various Siddhis or divine powers are -Pratibha (having knowledge of past present and future incident), Shravana (being capable of listening to abnormal sounds), Varta (whatever is said becomes true), Darshana (capable of seeing things which cannot be seen by the mortal eyes), Aswada (being capable of experiencing divine tastes), Vedana (being capable of relieving other's pain by a mere touch).

A person successfully overcomes all these allurements can only reach Samadhi the final state. Then he becomes a Siddha- or man of accomplishment. A good work accomplished is an end in itself or we can say the sadaka become one with ultimate reality.

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