सनातन धर्म भूमिका

Meaning of "Hiranyagarbha Sukta>"


Hiranyagarbha Sukta


हिरण्यगर्भ सूक्त


hiraṇyagarbha sūkta

In General

A prominent creation sukta from Rig Veda(10.121) composed by Rishi Hiranyagarbha Prajapatya. A slight variation of this sukta is found in TA (4.1.8) AV (4.2). This sukta is one of the several suktas which deals with creation. This sukta is addressed to the unmanifested creation from which everything was emanated.


The translation of 10 mantras of Hiranyagarbha Sukta by Prof R L Kashyap is given below:

In the beginning (agre) arose the golden seed(1); born, he was the sole lord of every creature(2). He upheld this earth and Heaven(3). Which deva (except him) shall we worship with offering (4) ?

It is he who bestow the soul-force (atmada) and vigor (1); upon his call; all, even Gods, approach (him) (2). His shadow is immortality; death is also his (shadow) (3). Which deva (except him) shall we worship with offering (4) ?

In this Universe he by his greatness become(2,4), the sole (eka) king of the breathing and seeing (1,3). He is the lord of all being with two states and four (3). Which deva (except him) shall we worship with offering (4) ?

These snowy mountains (arose) through his greatness (1). They call the oceans and their essence (rasa) as his (2). These quarters are his arms (3). Which deva (except him) shall we worship with offering (4) ?

Through him heaven is forceful and earth firm (1); He supported world of Light (svah) and heaven (naka) (2). He is the measurer (vimana) of the regionof the midworld (3); Which deva (except him) shall we worship with offering (4) ?

(Heaven-Earth) sound their thanks to him (1), for his propping them up and for his protection (2). They look up to him gratefully by their illumined minds (3), while sun, rising, brightly shines oven them (4). Which deva (except him) shall we worship with offering (4) ?

When the mighty Waters envelop the universe (1), bearing the child in birth (garbha) and gave birth to Agni (2), then (Prajapati), the sole breath (ekah asuh) of the Gods, arose (3). Which deva (except him) shall we worship with offering (4) ?

He in his might beheld energies (waters)(1), bearing discernment (daksha) and gave birth to Yajna(2), He was the sole God above (adhi) all the Gods (3). Which deva (except him) shall we worship with offering (4) ?

May he who is the father of earth protect us (1). He created heaven, his law of being is Truth (2). He created the great delightful Waters (3). Which deva (except him) shall we worship with offering (4) ?

O Prajapati, none other than you (1), has given existence to all these being (2). That object of our desires for which we call you (3), may that be ours (4). May we become the masters of felicities (5) ?


The concept of Hiranyagarbha is available in Purana.

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