सनातन धर्म भूमिका

Meaning of "Uttara"







In General

Both the son and daughter of king Virata are called Uttara. Pandavas decided to spent that period in the palace of the King Virata. Each assumed a new name and accepted different types of service under the King. Arjuna took the name of Brhannala and served as a dance teacher to the princess Uttara. Once, that happen to be one day after the period of life in incognito was over Arjuna went with prince Uttara as a charioteer and defeated Kaurava army that fought with them.


When the life in incognito was over Pandavas revealed their truth. When it came to know that the Brhannala was none other than Arjuna. Then king of Virata proposed his daughter, Uttara to Arjuna. Arjuna politely turned down the request as she was his student and he considered her as a daughter. Arjuna then proposed his son Abhimanyu to marry Uttara.

Uttara was pregnant during the Mahabharata War. When all the kith and kin of Pandavas are dead in the war the only royal progeny left was the inborn child of Uttara. Sri Krishna as lord Vishnu protected the child in the womb which was attacked by Aswathama. The child, known as Parikshith was thus survived and he was anointed as the king before Pandavas went for Mahaprasthana.

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