सनातन धर्म भूमिका

Meaning of "Pramanasastra>"







In General

The infallible knowledge which is to be followed always without any omission is called Pramanasastras. Vedas which is a revelation to Rishis only have this tag.

The spiritual literature of Hindus are very large. It is a mixture of spiritual revelations, divine experiences, intellectual works, literature, moral rules, customs and many other things. But there is hierarchy in literature. Creative works and customs are not absolute truth, as they use to address different type of people with different temperament. Unlike this, the Vedic literature is infallible because of its nature of being a revelation to humankind. The rules and regulation as Smriti and creative literature as Purana are considered as subordinate to Veda. Smriti, Purana and other spiritual literature have a role lead mankind to dharma, but they depend on Veda. By Veda we mean only Samhita, Brahmana, Aranyaka and Upanishads. Bhagavad Gita and Agamas are also some times considered as Pramanasastras.

The Purana and Itihasa are considered to be meant for common man and the Vedas to deal only by experts. The rules and regulation said in Manusmriti and other such literature are valid only for some period of time and required to be amended from time to time without compromising the values said in Veda. The philosophical treatises, Puranas and Itihasas are created by intellectual and literary geniuses for spreading dharma in common man. Depending on the time and temperament of people new art and literature will come and the existing ones will get modified to new medium. But while rewriting Ramayana or creating a Television serial of Ramayana one should follow the Dharma said in Veda.

Reserving Veda for expert had its own demerit also. By providing too much importance to protecting Vedas and the community which learning it, the Hindu religion had alienated the common man from Vedas. So by and large the common man have only ignorance about Vedas. The western scholars have penetrated into this vacuum and created a set of fallacies and that eventually made systematic ignorance among our present day intellectuals. This ‘learned ignorance’, spread even to the traditional followers like sanyasins and priests and society now believe that Vedas are some primitive literature.

A clear understanding about the meaning of Veda, the pramanasastra is very much needed. All the basic fundaments of Hinduism can be found in Rig Veda and other Vedic literature. Veda calls upon the seeker to establish an intimate relationship with each Deva: Agni, Indra, Brahmanaspati, Asvins, Ribhus, Maruts, Sarasvati, Aditi, Vishnu, Rudra, Lakshmi, and others like a son to father and mother etc. The need of married live, virtue of education, need of rules and regulation, harnessing peace and happiness, protecting nature and such social values are said in Vedas. The Hindu fundamentals like Karma, Rebirth, Moksha and philosophical ideals like Universal Truth, Primordial Sound, Brahman, Atman developed from Vedas. The spiritual practices like dhyana, bhakti, yajna, idol worship can also be found in Vedic literature.

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