सनातन धर्म भूमिका

Meaning of "Upasana"







In General

Upasana is the sankrit word for worship. Any dedicated spiritual worship can be termed as Upasana. It is derived from the root word upa and asana meaning sitting near by, only meant to perform the spiritual worship guided by some prescribed act.

Devas, the Gods are worshiped by four general methods Japa, homa, dhyana and archana. All the different creative ideas on spiritual practices are either a modification or a combination of some of these methods.

Japa is the recitation of the names of the divinity in standard formulae. Japa takes god as a pattern of holy sounds.

Homa is the oblation offered in fire. Fire is the only physical entity worshiped during the Vedic period. All the different gods are invited by igniting fire and feel present in the fire.

Dhyana is the meditation on the transcendental and empirical aspect of the divinity.

Archana is the physical and mental level worship of divinity as a honored guest.


The Vedanta literature use the word Upasana for Dhyana or Meditation. Kapali Sastri is of the opinion that the whole Upanishadic literature stands for Upasana. The Upasana is taught by different techniques are called Vidyas. The Vidyas symbolically referred to what is to be known and the means of attaining it. The vidyas are said in Upanishads in a hidden way with just one or two hints. Acharyas teach the techniques directly to their students depending on a student’s ability with practical lessons and this form the heart of Upasana.

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