सनातन धर्म भूमिका

Meaning of "Akshi Vidya"


Akshi Vidya


अक्षि विद्या


akṣi vidyā

In General

The Upanishads uses the word vidya as a technique to do spiritual Sadana. It is meditation and also all other faculties like memorizing, wishing, understanding, aspiring, contemplating and physical activities like developing personality. The technique help the Sadhaka to finally evolve into a supra physical spiritual life


This Vidya occurs in the Chandogyopanishad, 4.15. Satyakama instructs Upakosala

That person who is seen in the eye, He is the Self. That is Immortal, Fearless. That is Brahman. If anyone pours ghee or water on that, it passes away.

Here meditation in an internal process and not objective. Hence sacrificial oblations with ghee, water, etc., are fruitless in this case. The meditation is not on the eye but the Purusha within it which is the essential Soul functioning in the waking condition. A meditator on this goes beyond the waking state and is led to the Saguna Brahman. The knower of this Vidya accrues all that is excellent and becomes effulgent. One who reaches this Brahman returns not to mortal coil.

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Akshi Vidyaअक्षि विद्याakṣi vidyā

The Upanishads uses the word vidya as a technique to do spiritual Sadana. It is...

This Vidya occurs in the Chandogyopanishad, 4.15. Satyakama instructs Upakosala...

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