Maha Sivaratri is a holy day observed on the eve of 13th night (waning moon) and 14th day (Caturdasi) falling in the middle of Magha - Phalguna (February-March). During this night, penance should be done with fasting. On Caturdasi day penance (vrata) should be observed without sleep and food and Siva worshiped.
Veda use the word Rudra than Siva to address the creative energy. The Rudra Namaka and Rudra Chamaka are the most prominent hymns chanted in praise of Rudra. It is from Yajurveda. The Siva Panchakshara mantra and Trayambaka mantra is from Rukra Namaka
Siva is the great Creative Energy that helps a everybody to develop into higher lever. In the course of development the Great Lord transforms every men/wemen by forcing him/her to shed the old forms. Siva is the destroyer of your old forms. Siva-Rudra is thus playing the dual role of creator and destroyer. This may look like a paradox, but actually creation and destruction are complimentary to each other. The main aspect of maintenance of this world is by the rhythm achieved by creation and destruction. Siva is thus the great dancer, the Nataraja. The concept of Nataraja, the rhythmic dance of Siva is the best imagination for the Harmony in Nature. This has amazed many a scientists and philosophers; Frijof Capra, Coomaraswamy, Vilayanur s Ramachandran are few among them.
Brahma took his birth in the lotus that originated from the navel of Visnu. Brahma trying to know the source of the lotus saw Visnu only. He asked, 'Who are you?' and was answered 'I am Visnu, your father'. That answer did not satisfy Brahma and a quarrel ensued between him and Visnu which ended in fighting. While they argue and fight a huge Sivalinga appeared between the two. To find the ends Brahma went upwards and Visnu downwards. Though they travelled a great distance they could not find out the ends, and, so, returned to their old seats and eulogized Siva. the day Siva appeared before Brahma and Vishnu is celebrated as Maha Sivaratri
Churning of Ksirabdhi (ocean of milk) was commenced by Devas and Asuras to get Amrut. Vasuki, the snake, was used as cord to rotate mount Mandara, which was used as the churning rod. When the churning became very intense, a daring poison, Kalakuta emerged out of Vasuki's mouth. On the whole it appeared as though the entire world would be reduced to ashes. At this critical moment, Siva, reputed for his reckless daring, put all the Kalakuta into his mouth. Frightened at it Parvati held Siva's throat by her hands so that the poison did not enter his stomach. At the same time Mahavisnu covered with his hands Siva's mouth so that the poison was not spitted out. Kalakuta thus prevented from going down into the stomach or being vomited from Siva's throat got itself localized in the throat giving it a blue colour. Thus Siva become Nilakantha (of the blue throat). Visnu and Parvati who were affected by the flames of the poison became Nilavarna and Kali respectively.
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