The mother goddess is called Parasakthi or Adi Parasakthi. Adi Parashakti is the, “The Eternally Limitless Power”. That is, she is the Power beyond the created world, the Parabrhaman. She is the active energy that both creates and dissolves the entire universe. Ma Parvati, Ma Durga, Maha sarasvati, Ma Lakshmi , Mahakali are some of the aspects of Parasakti.
All the forces everything which appear in various names and forms are in fact Devi herself, her different manifestations. Just as a master actor appears on the stage in different roles for the delectation of the audience the formless Devi, on behalf of the Devas, assumes many forms and imposes upon herself attributes though in fact she is without any attribute whatsoever. Thus, depending on her various forms, actions etc. she is addressed by different names. (Devi Bhagavata, Pancama Skandha).
Word | Sanskrit | IAST | In General | Veda | Purana |