Literal meaning of akarma is inaction or non-doing.
Karma, akarma and vikarma are described in the Bhagavad Gita with spiritual connotation. Actions that are performed in terms of one's prescribed duties, as mentioned in the revealed scriptures, are called karma . Ordinary men wish to perform good work in order to be recognized and achieve some higher status of life in this world or in heaven, but more advanced men want to be free altogether from the actions and reactions of work.
Fear of the outcome of an action weaken our mind, defeat our purpose of action and ultimately lead our life to doom. In most cases it promote negative thoughts. The immediate effect of negative thought is inaction (akarma). In BG (2.46) the word akarma is used to connote an irresponsible behavior. It is definitely a cowardly action that a person of high office doesn’t act when the country is passing through difficult times. Krishna warns of Arjuna for not to be a victim of akarma. BG (4.18) uses the word akarma in a positive way as there is akarma in Karma and karma in akarma. While doing karma one can be fully unselfish and have a firm mind which is unchallenged by the outcome of the action. Also abstaining from action doesn’t mean one is unselfish and she/he doesn’t expect a desirable outcome. The word akarma is used here as a synonym of karmasanyasa, the action without desire.
The actions that are performed through the misuse of one's freedom and that direct one to the lower life forms are called vikarma. Of these three types of action, that which frees one from the bondage to karma is preferred by intelligent men.
Word | Sanskrit | IAST | In General | Veda | Purana | |
Jatakarma | जातकर्मन् | jātakarman | Celebrating the birth of a child is called Jatakarman. It is one of the samskaras. By... | Read More | ||
Nishkamakarma | निष्कामकर्म | niṣkāmakarma | Doing the duty ( Karma ) without desire for fruit of action is called Nishkama Karma.... | Karma is a logical conclusion to Vedic thought. The idea is available in Veda samhita,... | Read More | |
Nithyakarma | नित्यकर्म | nityakarma | Every daily obligatory rite or duty Sandlayavandana, is a nithyakarma.... | Read More | ||
Prarabdhakarma | प्रारब्धकर्मन | prārabdhakarma | Prarabdha karma is the action that has begun to fructify (not completed), the fruit of... | Read More | ||
Sanchitakarma | सञ्चितकर्म | sañcitakarma | Sanchita karma is the vast store of accumulated actions done in the past, the fruits of... | Read More | ||
Srutakarma | स्रुतकर्म | srutakarma | Son of Sahadeva, in his wife Pancali. During the Bharata War Srutakarma fought a duel with... | Read More |