Vamadeva Gautama was a Rig Veda Rishi. The Mandala 4 of Rig Veda are by Rishi Vamadeva Gautama. He is found mentioned with respect in Buddhist texts and Upanishads. He was son of Gautama Maharshi and brother to Nodhas, another Rig Veda Rishi.
Found mentioned in Brihadaranyaka and Aitareya Upanishads. Purana
Vamadeva is one of the Saptharshi
Word | Sanskrit | IAST | In General | Veda | Purana | |
Vamadeva , Siva | वामदेव | vāmadeva | Siva has got five aspect, the preserving aspect of Siva is called Vamadeva. The other aspects are... | Read More | ||
Vamadeva , Siva | वामदेव | vāmadeva | Siva has got five aspect, the preserving aspect of Siva is called Vamadeva. The other aspects are... | Read More |