सनातन धर्म भूमिका

Meaning of "spirituality"




In General

Studying the Scriptures and understanding them is a great activity. But the scripture warns that the pursuit of intellectual study alone is not sufficient to lead one to the supreme Godhead. According to Rishis, the easiest method to achieve the God realization is the simple steps told by the Religion. All the varied Religious activities are focused on some or other kind of practices to tune the body, mind and intellect to prepare the self for realizing the highest truth. Most of the rituals are very small step but a course in right path. In few occasion the practices and rituals may look nothing to do with spirituality, but these are age old tradition which has helped many to achieve the God. Religion thus insists the belief on tradition.

Unlike philosophy the Religion got very good control over society thus obvious to have few bad aspect along with its virtues. The biggest problem with Religion is from middleman explaining and interpreting the Religious scriptures for his material gain or fame. There are other stumbling blocks like, slipping rituals to mechanical performance and some people are interpreting spirituality for social and altruistic cause. The good habits, behavior and adjusting with nature is only a basic lesson for the spiritual aspirant. It often deviate the spiritual aspirant from his basic intention so one has to go beyond good and bad to achieve the spiritual goal. To Hinduism spirituality is a very personnel affair; middle man, teachers and even scriptures have the role only to inspire the disciple. Spirituality is an honest search for the reality behind the material world, which seems to be working with a conscience.

Hinduism is very generous to accept all the varied methods in the name of religion in the world as true. The Rishis who have realized the reality is of the opinion that the practices suit to one self is to be accepted and without performing some or other kind of religious practices it is nearly impossible to achieve the ultimate reality. Rishis have studied various religious activities in scientific way and modalities were made to follow them easily. Unlike other religions in the world the Rishis are not imposing any dogmatic rules to follow strictly as spirituality is intimately connected with ones personality. The Hindu faith gives enough freedom to invent new method and make changes in the existing rules.

The primary question still persists, what is Reality? Quest for reality has been the endeavor of man at all the ages and a definite answer in the empirical sense he never accomplished. In every step in spiritual study, the Rishis says ‘Neti’, meaning: ‘not this – the real truth’. To quote Adi Sankara, “ultimate reality is not mind, intellect, ego, conscience neither it is Guru, matter nor energy”. Rishis want to develop a Sadaka, the spiritual aspirant to spiritual emancipation and not meant speak of the reality in concrete terms as the ultimate reality is indescribable in material terms. So, according to Hinduism the practice of spirituality is very personnel and is to be practiced in solitude. In Bhagavad Gita Krishna assure, No effort, however small in spiritual sphere, is not lost. So, even if our effort does not help us to reach the final goal, we will get chance to pursue them in the next birth.

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