Narayaneeyam is a famous devotional poem written by Melpathur Narayana Bhattathiri. It is both highly musical and a masterpiece of classical Sanskrit literature. Narayaneeyam consists of 100 Dashakams, with each Dashakam containing 10 stanzas, with a few exceptions. In total, the work includes 1,036 verses.
Narayaneeyam is a condensed retelling of the Bhagavata Purana. The first few Dashakams reveal that the author was suffering from acute rheumatism and had fully surrendered himself to the feet of Lord Guruvayurappan. In deep devotion, he began composing the poem, prostrating before the Lord. Narayana Bhattathiri composed one Dashakam each day, dedicating himself to sincere worship. Over the course of 100 days, he completed the entire work. Local legends suggest that, as he composed the final Dashakam, he was miraculously cured of his disease.
Word | Sanskrit | IAST | In General | Veda | Purana |